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Using the Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Management Information System (MIS) reporting website.

Obtaining Access A User "Name" and "Password" is required to submit your data electronically. To obtain a user name and password please send an email to that contains the following:

Company Name
Last Name (of individual requesting access)
Phone Number
Email Addres Your user name and password will normally be provided in 24 hours, except during weekends or Federal holidays. Any questions regarding issuance of user names or passwords may be directed to or 202.372.1033

(Please print these instructions as a reference guide.)

To begin Internet reporting:

  • Access the ONEDOT Drug and Alcohol MIS reporting web site at
  • Next choose the "sign in link".
  • Enter your user name and password that has been provided to by your Coast Guard representative. (Click the “Reset” button if you enter the wrong User Name or Password and would like to start over.)
  • Click the “Log In” button at the bottom of the screen.

Status Page

You are now on the Status Screen. To begin entering data click Enter or Edit Your Data. If you have already entered data and would like to view it, click View Your Data (Read Only). You may also download your completed data and view it in Adobe Reader as it would appear on a U.S. DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection form by clicking Download Data in Adobe PDF Format.

The current status of your data will be displayed in the Status column. The table below provides status descriptions of a company’s MIS data.

Status Description
No Data Has Been Entered The company has not begun entering their data.
Data is Incomplete The company has begun entering their data, but has not finished.
Completed and Signed The company has finished entering their data and has digitally signed their submission.


Helpful Hints:


  • Context-related help can be accessed by clicking any underlined item.
  • After 20 minutes of inactivity, your browser will time out and you will be required to log in again to continue entering your data. All data entered prior to timing out will be saved.
  • If you have questions about the Internet reporting process or need help specific to Internet reporting, please call (617) 494-6336. If questions are of a regulatory nature, please contact your representative at Coast Guard.

Employer Information

Read each item carefully and enter the appropriate data in the fields provided. Ensure that all data is complete and accurate. Please note that most fields are required and must be populated before a section is considered complete. Once you have completed this section, advance to the next section by clicking the Vessel tab at the top of the page, or the Vessel button at the bottom of the page.

Note: When a section is complete, a green check mark (4) will appear on the section tab at the top of the page.

Tip: You can navigate to any section at any time by clicking on one of the corresponding tabs at the top of the screen.


Before leaving the Employer Information section, you answered this question:

Are you a Consortium/Third Party Administrator representing one or more companies?

The Vessel section will be completed differently depending on how you answered that question.

If you are a Consortium/Third Party Administrator representing one or more companies

Enter the names of each company covered under your consortium, individually. After entering the name of the first company covered under your consortium, additional companies can be added by clicking the Add New Company button.

Once a company has been added, vessels that are owned by that company must be added on the right-hand side. First select the company in question by clicking on the radio button to the left of its name on the left-hand side in the “Company” frame. Second, enter a vessel ID that this company owns and click the Add Vessel button. Add each additional vessel ID owned by this company in the same fashion.

TIP: If you have more than three companies covered by your consortium, only three companies will display on the vessel page at a time. Scroll through your companies by clicking the << and >> buttons within the “Company” frame.

TIP: If any given company has more than ten vessels, only ten vessels will display on the vessel page at a time. Scroll through a company’s vessels by clicking the << and >> buttons within the “Vessel” frame.

Once you have completed this section, advance to the next section by clicking the Covered Employees tab at the top of the page, or the Covered Employees button at the bottom of the page.

If you are NOT a Consortium/Third Party Administrator representing one or more companies

Enter each vessel ID for all vessels owned by your company by typing an ID in the field provided and clicking the Add Vessel button. Add each additional vessel in the same fashion. When finished, click the checkbox stating “I have finished entering all vessels.”

Once you have completed this section, advance to the next section by clicking the Covered Employees tab at the top of the page, or the Covered Employees button at the bottom of the page.

Covered Employees

Enter the total number of Crewmember covered employees who worked in safety-sensitive positions and were subject to testing during 2003. For assistance in determining the number of covered employees that should be entered, click Total Number of Employees in this Category. Once the total number of covered employees has been entered, advance to the next section by clicking the Drug Testing Data tab at the top of the page, or the Drug Testing Data button at the bottom of the page.

Drug Testing Data

Enter all drug testing data for each test type (Pre-Employment, Random, Post-Accident, Reasonable Cause, Return-to-Duty, and Follow-Up) performed during 2003 for the Crewmember employee category.

Begin with Column 2 (Column 1 is the sum of columns 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and will be totaled automatically). If a test was performed for a testing category, results should be entered in the fields provided. If your company did not perform a particular test, enter zero (0) in the appropriate fields. A value must be entered into each field in order to complete this section.

Tip: There are three buttons at the bottom of the drug testing data table: Undo Changes, Clear All, and Set Blanks to Zero. Clicking Undo Changes will revert all fields to their original values. Clicking Clear All will completely clear all fields on the screen, leaving them blank. Clicking Set Blanks to Zero will enter a zero (0) in any blank field.

Reminder: You must enter a value in each field in order to complete this section

If testing results are not entered into a field, a red asterisk will appear next to the test type indicating that the table has not been completed.

Once all of the fields in the drug testing data table have been completed, advance to the next section by clicking the Wrap Up tab at the top of the page, or the Wrap Up button at the bottom of the page.

Wrap Up

Upon entering the Wrap Up section, several validation checks will be run against the data you have entered. If any section is incomplete, the following warning message will be displayed: You have not finished entering your data. Please click the following button(s) to return to any incomplete section(s).

The software will flag any obvious data errors with a red error message. Similarly, any data items that have possible problems will be flagged with a warning message. A button to the right of each error or warning message will link directly back to the section in which the data was entered.

ERRORS: Any data errors must be corrected before you can electronically sign your data.


WARNINGS: Please review all “questionable” data that triggers a warning message. Correct the data if it was entered incorrectly. If the data entered is correct, you do not need to change it.

When each section has been completed and all errors and warnings have been addressed, you must electronically sign your submission by clicking the Electronically Sign button at the bottom of the page. The date and time you signed your submission will appear.


You have now completed your submission. You may download your completed data and view it in Adobe Reader as it would appear on a U.S. DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection form by clicking Download Data in Adobe PDF Format. You can log out by clicking the orange “Logout” button at the top right hand corner of the screen.

Note: You may sign back in at any time. This gives you the opportunity to view or edit your submission, and to download it in Adobe PDF format. If you choose to edit your data, you must return to the Wrap Up section and sign your submission again.

Help can be accessed at any time by clicking on any underlined topic.

Thank you for reporting your drug and alcohol results using the U.S. DOT’s Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS online reporting application. If you have any questions about the Internet reporting process, please call (617) 494-6336.


*Company Name

*Last Name of requester

*Telephone Number of requester

*Email Address of requester









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