The U.S. Coast Guard has adopted some of FEMA's published ICS forms to conform to the national standard. Other forms (ICS ###-CG) have been adapted from Wildlife NIMS to fit more all-risk, all-hazard responses by the CG, and are not recognized by NIMS. The USCG ICS Forms are one of several tools that are available to support personnel managing a response to an incident and in completing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).
The USCG no longer recognizes the "-OS" forms which were our original "oil spill" adaptations and have put "-CG" in the title of adapted or created forms. Forms without '-CG' have not been adapted at all and can be found in the NWCG forms section below. All wildfire NIIMS forms may be used instead of the Coast Guard versions.
USCG forms must be printed locally and cannot be ordered. Wildfire NIMS form can be ordered from the NIFC.
As of Jan 2025, several new forms are under review and have not yet been released (201-CG, 202-CG, 208-CG, 209-CG, 220-CG, 208HM-CG, 220UAS-CG).
*CG users can access documents by signing into Homeport. Switching browsers can help download issues on public networks or without login.