The initial SOE application must contain: – A valid copy of the vessel's IMO Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk and all Addendums – A description of the vessel (vessel particulars) – A general arrangement plan of the vessel – Specifications for the cargo containment system – A mid-ship section plan of the vessel – Firefighting and Safety Plans – Schematic of the liquid and vapor cargo piping – Classification Society certification for ethylene oxide carriage – Classification Society certification for steel and cargo temperature control (per 154.170) – SOLAS Safety Construction and Safety Equipment Certificates If the vessel has previously been issued a Certificate of Compliance and nothing has changed on the certificate of fitness, the previous SOE is still valid.
SOE applications may be submitted via mail, courier, fax or email via the contact information below:
Commanding Officer (MSC-3) US Coast Guard Stop 7430 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE Washington, DC 20593-7430
Phone: (202) 795-6731 Email: