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International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution by Ships (MARPOL 73/78) 
Pollution Source 
U.S. Signatory? 
Implementing Legislation/ Regulations/ Guidance
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution
by Garbage from Ships
APPS 33 U.S.C. § 1901 – 1912
33 CFR Parts 151
MSM, Vol. II
Annex V applies to ship-generated garbage, and aims to reduce the amount of garbage - both plastics and other persistent wastes - that ships dump into the oceans. Annex V defines "garbage" broadly, and includes nearly any kind of waste generated during a ship's normal operations. This Annex requires terminals to provide reception facilities at ports and terminals to receive plastics and other garbage from visiting vessels. Annex V includes a general ban on dumping plastics and synthetic materials at sea – it prohibits all ships from dumping plastics into the marine environment anywhere in the world. 
Annex V also specifically designates places where dumping other garbage is prohibited and sets conditions for dumping other garbage at sea (see the table below – Appendix A to 33 CFR 151-151.77). Dunnage, lining and packing materials that float may be disposed of beyond 25 miles from the nearest land. Other garbage that will not float may be disposed of beyond 12 miles of land, except that garbage, which can pass through a 25mm mesh screen (approximately 1 square inch), may be disposed of beyond 3 miles. More restrictive disposal regimes apply in waters designated “Special Areas.” 
The U.S. implements MARPOL 73/78 Annex V under the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987 (MPPRCA), codified within 33 U.S.C. § 1901 et seq. The implementing regulations are in 33 CFR 151.51 – 79. These requirements require adequate waste reception facilities at U.S. ports; that manned ships of certain sizes to display pollution prevention placards; for certain ships to develop a waste management plan; and that certain manned ships maintain waste disposal records. MPPRCA and 33 CFR 151.51 is applicable to all recreational, fishing, uninspected and inspected vessels, and foreign flag vessels on the navigable waters and all other waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, out to and including the Exclusive Economic Zone (200 miles). 
APPENDIX A TO §§ 151.51 THROUGH 151.77—
Garbage Type
All Vessels Except Fixed or
Floating Platforms and Associated Vessels
Fixed or Floating Platforms & Assoc. Vessels ³
(33 CFR 151.73)
Outside special areas
(33 151.73)
In special areas ² (33 CFR 151.71)
Plastics—includes synthetic ropes and fishing nets and plastic bags.
Disposal prohibited
(33 CFR 151.67).
Disposal prohibited
(33 CFR 151.67).
Disposal prohibited
(33 CFR 151.67).
Dunnage, lining and packing materials that float.
Disposal prohibited less than 25 miles from nearest land and in the navigable waters of the U.S.
Disposal prohibited
(33 CFR 151.71).
Disposal prohibited.
Paper, rags, glass, metal bottles, crockery and similar refuse.
Disposal prohibited less than 12 miles from nearest land and in the navigable waters of the U.S.
Disposal prohibited
(33 CFR 151.71).
Disposal prohibited.
Paper, rags, glass, etc. comminuted or ground.¹
Disposal prohibited less than 3 miles from nearest land and in the navigable waters of the U.S.
Disposal prohibited
(33 CFR 151.71).
Disposal prohibited.
Victual waste not comminuted or ground.
Disposal prohibited less than 12 miles from nearest land and in the navigable waters of the U.S.
Disposal prohibited less than 12 miles from nearest land. 
Disposal prohibited
Victual waste comminuted or ground.¹
Disposal prohibited less than 3 miles from nearest land and in the navigable waters of the U.S.
Disposal prohibited less than 12 miles from nearest land.
Disposal prohibited less than 12 miles from nearest land and in the navigable waters of the U.S.
Mixed garbage types.
See Note 4.
See Note 4.
See Note 4.
   Note 1: Comminuted or ground garbage must be able to pass through a screen with a mesh size no larger than 25 mm. (1 inch) (33 CFR 151.75)
   Note 2: Special areas under Annex V are the Mediterranean, Baltic, Black, Red, and North Seas areas and the Gulfs area. (33 CFR 151.53)
   Note 3: Fixed or floating platforms and associated vessels includes all fixed or floating platforms engaged in exploration, exploitation or associated offshore processing of seabed mineral resources, and all ships within 500m of such platforms.
   Note 4: When garbage is mixed with other harmful substances having different disposal or discharge requirements, the more stringent disposal restrictions shall apply.









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