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The USCG ICS program offers training courses to prepare personnel for emergency response management. These courses are divided into three categories: 

  • General ICS Training (e.g. ICS-300, ICS-400, etc.),
  • Team ICS training (e.g., Incident Management Team (IMT) Workshop (old ICS-320) and Area Command (ICS-620)) and 
  • Position ICS Training (e.g. ICS-410 Advanced Incident Commander, ICS-430 Operations Section Chief, etc.).

All quotas (except IMT Workshop) are requested via Electronic Training Request (ETR) in Direct Access (DA) through their unit Training Officer.   ALL general and position Course schedules and the ICS-620 Area Command Course can be found on the Education and Training Quota Management Command (ETQC) website on the CG Portal Intranet site. In addition, courses are also listed in Direct Access (DA). Attached is the description of the ICS courses currently offered in the CG Training System including prerequisites.

District/Area/HQ/DCMS ICS Coordinators are listed on the "ICS Coordinator CG Portal page at

General ICS Training (ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-300, ICS-305 and ICS-400) -  ICS-100, ICS-200, ICs-210, ICS-305, Is-700 and Is-800 are all online courses. General ICS Exported classroom Training courses (ICS-300 and ICS-400) are Managed by CG-OEM in coordination with the local ICS coordinator at the hosting unit. All ICS-300 and ICS-400 courses are listed on the ETQC "C" school website under "Incident Command System".   Since all ICS-300 and ICS-400 courses are offered locally, orders are generally no-cost.  Quotas can be requested via their unit Training Officer using the Electronic Training Request (ETR) in Direct Access (DA).

Team ICS courses:  Team course/workshop locations are selected based on the Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan (MTEP) process. Unfortunately, the Coast Guard can only fund a limited number of courses/workshops and must have a targeted approach as to which unit/location is selected. Outside of the MTEP process, the Program does not have funds to pay for ANY ICS additional team courses/workshops.  Generally, there is no student travel given to attend Team ICS Courses/Workshops (much like LAMS and other exportable CG courses).  The hosting unit controls the quotas to the team ICS courses. 

  1. The ICS-620 course   Locations and dates for the ICS-620 are listed on the TQC "C" school website under "Incident Command System".   All quotas are requested via Electronic Training Request (ETR) in Direct Access (DA) . The local unit controls the quotas to the course.
  2. The Incident Management Team (IMT) Workshop (old ICS-320).  The Incident Management Team (IMT) Workshop replaced the ICS-320 course and is a CG-IMAT facilitated three-day team building workshop. The IMT Workshop is a vast improvement to the old ICS-320 course and consists of a half day overview of the concepts and principles of NIMS ICS with a focus on the establishment of an Incident Command Post, and the Command and General staff, information flow, NIMS ICS products related to management of resources, and development of the Planning Cycle during a response. The workshop uses a scenario specific to the local port and attendees have the opportunity to receive sign-offs of PQS task items and oral qualification boards. Members should fill positions based on their position in the units IMT.  Inclusion of local port partners is highly encouraged. A prerequisite of ICS-300 is encouraged. All units will receive further instruction and information approximately 60 days before their scheduled workshop. Additional information on personnel and facility requirements can be found on the CG-IMAT Portal Page under the IMT Workshop tab: The IMT workshop is NOT offered as part of the CG training system therefore the workshops are NOT listed on the TQC website and quotas are not available in Direct Access. The IMT Workshops are scheduled on a triannual cycle and the final schedule is released each year by message. The local unit controls the quotas to attend the workshop. Please contact the CG-IMAT for the FY23 workshop schedule.

Position Specific ICS courses: There are numerous position specific ICS courses that are offered by the Coast Guard each year. Course dates and course codes can be found on the ETQC "C" school portal page, click on the ETQC tab to the course catalog.   The only means to submit an Electronic Training Request (ETR) in Direct Access (DA) through their unit training officer. In their ETR notes section, the Training Officer must comment on what ICS Position they perform on response/listed on Unit IMT/AC Roster (as per CPPM Vol 4, COMDTINST M3010.24)Member Orders will be issued by ETQC approximately 8 weeks in advance of the course and will use the standard Coast Guard training process for notification and acceptance/rejection of the orders.  Outside of the courses already identified, the ICS Training Program does not have staff or funds to support additional training courses (e.g. ICS-430/440, ICS-404, etc.). 

  •  Priorities for Selecting Attendees for Intermediate/Advanced Position Specific RESIDENT ICS Courses is based on  CPPM Vol 4, COMDTINST M3010.24.  Unfortunately, the Coast Guard can only fund a limited number of courses and must have a targeted approach as to personnel selected to attend these courses. The best candidates will be selected to attend to these courses, not just someone who wants to go. Therefore it is extremely important to note on the ETR in the notes section the ICS position the member fills on the WQSB so they can possibly be a higher priority for attendance to the course. 
  • Course Attendee Expectations and Prerequisites: All Position Specific ICS courses require ICS-300 as a prerequisite. Those desiring to attend these training courses who have not had ICS-300 should NOT apply. All Command and General Staff courses require ICS-400 as a prerequisite (ICS-410, ICS-430/440, etc). All course prerequisites and course descriptions are listed with the course lists. Every course delivers a large amount of information and has a high tempo. All require dedicated attention and often go an hour or two after the normal workday. Each course includes homework, quizzes, numerous unit exercises, and a final exam or exercise. Students must consider that when assigned to attend the course, they are considered TAD from other duties.

Other sources for ICS Training:  The USCG is not the only source for NIMS ICS training. USCG personnel may attend any NIMS compliant ICS course for credit. 

  • Most NIMS Compliant ICS courses do not cover the depth of material the CG ICS courses do, therefore most personnel who attend non-CG ICS courses are not as well prepared.
  • As per COMDTINST 7100.3 Financial Resource Management Manual (FRMM), AFC-30 funds may NOT be used to fund travel, per diem, tuition, etc. outside/other agency training that is offered in the CG training system. 
  • Only USCG Approved Instructors may teach/use USCG NIMS ICS curriculum. In addition, ALL Coast Guard "sponsored" ICS courses MUST utilize Coast Guard approved curriculum and use Coast Guard approved instructors.
  • See Training, "Coast Guard NIMS ICS Instructor Certification" for more information on how to become a USCG certified ICS Instructor.

ALL Coast Guard ICS Courses are FEMA/NIMS Compliant.









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